Discover our guides to understanding accessibility regulations

Making public spaces and buildings accessible is complex and requires a good command of regulations and standards. With our expertise as a manufacturer of standardised products, we have carefully drafted practical guides to enable you to carry out installation according to the rules of the trade and in compliance with the regulations.


Stair nosing

Stairs ERP IOP

Ground guidance

Produits correspondants

Understanding the regulations

How do you install a guide strip on the ground? How is a change of direction handled? When is a 3 or 4 ribbed belt used?

Télécharger le guide d'implantation

Transport dock

Produits correspondants

Choose products that comply with the standard

How to make a dock accessible? Which products can withstand heavy foot traffic? How can the minimum visual contrast requirement be met?

Télécharger le guide d'implantation

Pedestrian crossing